Supplement to Report on Pricing and Access to Econometrica

Supplement to Report on Pricing and Access to Econometrica: Subscription Data from 2004

October 27, 2004

Subscriptions and Prices in 2004

Subscription data for 2004 has recently become available to us. Here we re- port on broad effects across countries. Later we intend to study subscription changes by type of institution within countries.

In 2004, the Econometric Society made significant changes in its pricing and product offerings. The institutional price, which was $174 in 2002 and

$334 in 2003, was increased to $500 in 2004. In 2004, for the fi time, institutional subscriptions included site licenses for the online edition. In- stitutions were able to purchase a site license for online access without the print edition for $475. For $550, an institution could purchase a “premium” subscription that includes a print subscription to the current edition, plus online access to back issues from 1999. Individual subscription prices and student prices remained unchanged.

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