Conference Papers

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2024 North American Winter Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2024

Randomization and the Robustness of Linear Contracts

Ashwin Kambhampati, Juuso Toikka, Rakesh Vohra

2024 Asia Meeting, South/Central/West, Delhi, India, January, 2024

Pharmacy Proximity and Period Poverty: Assessing the Impact of Subsidized Menstrual Product Availability on Menstrual Management and Educational Outcomes

Dibya Mishra, Ritika Sethi

2024 North American Winter Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2024

Consumption Inequality in the Digital Age

Kai Arvai

2024 Asia Meeting, South/Central/West, Delhi, India, January, 2024

Distributional Consequences of Monetary Policy: A Continuous Time Heterogeneous Agent Model for India

Suranjana Kundu

2024 North American Winter Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2024

Knowing Your Lemon before You Dump It.

Alessandro Pavan, Jean Tirole

2024 Asia Meeting, South/Central/West, Delhi, India, January, 2024

Effects of Gender and Ethnicity on the Wage Gap Among Farmworkers in Northwestern Mexico

Omar Stabridis; Cecilia Salgado-Viveros

2024 North American Winter Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2024

Asymmetric Information, Asset Markets, and the Medium of Exchange

Athanasios Geromichalos, Lucas Herrenbrueck, Zijian Wang

2024 North American Winter Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2024

Identifying Socially Disruptive Policies

Eric Auerbach and Yong Cai

2024 North American Winter Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2024

Production, Trade, and Cross-Border Data Flows

Qing Chang, Lin William Cong, Liyong Wang, Longtian Zhang

2024 North American Winter Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, January, 2024

Comparing Search and Intermediation Frictions Across Markets

Gabor Pinter, Semih Uslu