Call for Expressions of Interest
The next World Congress (WC) of the Econometric Society (ES) will take place in August 2025 at a location to be decided by the Executive Committee (EC) of the ES in January 2023. The EC welcomes expressions of interest from academic institutions or consortia of academic and scientific institutions to host the 2025 ESWC.
The WC takes place every five years and represents the apex of all the Society meetings in which researchers from its six regions simultaneously participate. It is traditionally held mid-late August for 5 days, Monday through Friday, and includes a program of invited and contributed sessions, plenary lectures, and social events. The proposed venue should have a large auditorium for plenary lectures (1,000-1,500 capacity), 3-4 large rooms for parallel invited lectures (250-350 capacity), 30-35 contributed session rooms (30-80 capacity). The expected attendance is 1,500-2,000 people in-person and 1,500-2,000 online virtually if organizers consider a hybrid component to the meeting which we advise. For full bid guidelines, please click here.
Previous congresses have been held in Rome (1965), Cambridge, UK (1970), Toronto (1975), Aix-en-Provence (1980), Cambridge, USA (1985), Barcelona (1990), Tokyo (1995), Seattle (2000), London (2005), Shanghai (2010), Montréal (2015), with the 2020 ESWC taking place virtually in cooperation with Bocconi University in Milan.
Expressions of interest should be indicated by September 16th, 2022, with final proposals submitted no later than November 11th, 2022. A subcommittee of the EC will review the proposals and might request additional information. A short list of proposals will be presented to the EC at its meeting on January 5th, 2023, with the winning bid being announced soon afterwards.
Please send your expressions of interest and requests for additional information to Lyn Hogan, Executive Director, [email protected].