The Econometric Society Announces the Results of its Officers and Council Elections
The Econometric Society is pleased to announce the results of its officers and Council elections.
The following have been elected to serve as officers in 2025:
Larry Samuelson, Yale University, has been elected President.
Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, Princeton University, has been elected First Vice-President. He will presumably become President in 2026.
Jean-Marc Robin, Sciences Po, Paris, has been elected Second Vice-President. He will presumably become First Vice-President in 2027.
Barton Lipman, Boston University, has been re-elected Executive Vice-President.
The following have been elected to the Council for 2025 (in alphabetical order within region):
Jessica Pan, National University of Singapore
Europe and Other Areas
Barbara Rossi, EUI and ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona School of Economics, CREI
North America
Charles. F. Manski, Northwestern University
Ellen McGrattan, University of Minnesota
Whitney Newey, MIT
Petra Todd, University of Pennsylvania
Finally, the Society would like to express its gratitude to the members of the Officers and Council Nominating Committee for their work: Rosa Matzkin (chair), Eliana La Ferrara, Larry Samuelson, Rohini Somanathan, Per Krusell, Aureo de Paula, and Michele Tertilt