3 Weeks Left to Register for the World Congress
August 17, 2020-August 21, 2020
To register, please click here
Registration Dates:
Presenter registration closed Sunday, June 7, 2020
Non-presenter registration deadline: Friday August 7, 2020
Non-Presenter Registration Fee, all categories: $10
Additional Information
Additional information can be found at http://www.eswc2020.org.
For the live invited program, click here. To access the contributed session program, please click here.
World Congress Main Lecturers
Orazio Attanasio (Yale), Presidential Address
Esther Duflo (MIT), Fisher-Schultz Lecture
Roger Koenker (UIUC/UCL), Walras-Bowley Lecture
David Pearce (NYU), Frisch Memorial Lecture
Robert Shimer (Chicago), Cowles Lecture
Confirmed Semi-Plenary Lectures
Beliefs in Macroeconomics
Nicola Gennaoioli (Bocconi University)
Yuriy Gorodnichenko (Berkeley)
Contests and Contracts
Juuso Välimäki (Aalto University Helsinki)
Thomas Mariotti (Toulouse School of Economics)
Frontiers of Modern Econometrics
Alfred Galichon (NYU)
Stéphane Bonhomme (University of Chicago)
Frontiers of Time Series Econometrics
Anna Mikusheva (MIT)
Raffaella Giacomini (UCL)
Health and Human Capital
Janet Currie (Princeton University)
Nick Papageorge (Johns Hopkins University)
Macroeconomic Policy
Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University)
Ivan Werning (MIT)
Modern Causal Inference
Alberto Abadie (MIT)
Christian Hansen (The University of Chicago Booth School)
Social Interactions and Development
Abhijit Banerjee (MIT)
Matt Jackson (Stanford)
Topics in Industrial Organization
Leslie Marx (Duke)
Volker Nocke (University Mannheim)
Topics in Microeconomic Theory
Alexander Wolitzky (MIT)
Philippe Jehiel (UCL and PSE)
Confirmed Policy Sessions
AI and ML in Empirical Research
Esther Duflo (MIT)
Guido Imbens (Stanford Graduate School of Business)
Victor Chernozhukov (MIT)
Vasilis Syrgkanis (Microsoft.com)
Climate Change
Philippe Aghion (Harvard University)
Per Krusell (Stockholm University)
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg (Princeton University)
Consumer Data and IT Firms: Customization vs. Discrimination
Jacques Cremer (Toulouse School of Economics)
Steve Tadelis (Berkeley)
Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg (Chair) (Yale University)
Oriana Bandiera (London School of Economics)
Richard Blundell (UCL)
Jan Eeckout (UPF-GSE Barcelona)
Debra Satz (Stanford)
Trade Wars and Trade Talks
Giovanni Maggi (Yale University)
Ralph Ossa (Zurich)
Steve Redding (Princeton)
What can economics do for racial justice?
Eliana La Ferrara (Chair) (Bocconi University)
Kerwin Kofi Charles (Yale School of Management)
Lisa Cook (Michigan State University)
Imran Rasul (University College of London)
Leonard Wantchekon (Princeton University)
Gender Mentoring Session
Marina Halac (Chair) (Yale University)
Xiaohong Chen (Yale University)
Janet Currie (Princeton University)
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln (Goethe University Frankfurt)
Nezih Gruner (CEMFI)
In addition to the live presentations above,1,288 contributed papers from scholars representing every region of the world have been accepted for presentation and organzied into 334 sessions. Click here to go to the contributed session program. Contributed papers have been pre-recorded in sessions of four with each session group available for live scheduled Q&A during the Congress week. Recorded sessions will be available on the web site in a password-protected resource library to be accessed throughout the week.
We are very excited about this format because it allows all presenters to work around time zones and potential technical glitches to present their work while still interacting with and receiving feedback from colleagues.
At the same time, several unique software features will be available throughout the meeting including live networking rooms, both general and by topic, chat functions, and virtual exhibitor booths, among other features. The Society will also present live its Frisch Medal and other awards. Finally, while we cannot visit Bocconi University and Milan in person, Bocconi University’s beautiful buildings, surrounding city and hospitality will be available virtually during the full Congress.
Program Chairs: Victor Chernozhukov (MIT), Emmanuel Farhi (Harvard), Johannes Hörner (Yale) and Eliana La Ferrara (Bocconi)
Local Organizing Committee: Massimiliano Marcellino (Chair), Jerome Adda, Maristella Botticini and Marco Ottaviani
Virtual World Congress Committee: Larry Samuelson, Chair (Yale), Isaiah Andrews (Harvard), Orazio Attanasio (Yale), Johannes Hörner (Yale), Massimiliano Marcellino (Bocconi), Francesca Molinari (Cornell), Guido Tabellini (Bocconi)
To register, please click here
Registration Dates and Fees:
Presenter registration closed Sunday June 7, 2020
Non-presenter registration deadline: Friday August 7, 2020
Non-Presenter Registration Fee, all categories: $10
Membership in the Econometric Society
While membership is not required for non-presenters, we would welcome your support. To join or renew a membership, please visit http://www.econometricsociety.org/user/register.
General questions may be sent to [email protected] and queries about the scientific portion of the program to program chairs: Victor Chernozhukov (Econometrics) [email protected], Emmanuel Farhi (Macro) [email protected], Johannes Hörner (Theory) [email protected] or Eliana La Ferrara (Applied) [email protected].