2022 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, East and South-East Asia, Tokyo, Japan

2022 Asia Meeting of the Econometric Society, East and South-East Asia, Tokyo, Japan

AMES 2022 Tokyo (Hybrid)

2022 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East and South-East Asia (HYBRID)
August 8 – 10, 2022
Keio University and University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan

The meeting format is hybrid, and presenters can choose in-person presentation or online presentation up to the last minute.  However, please note that the organizers cannot take the responsibility regarding travels, health, and safety. Many of the invited sessions are online. No lunch or reception is provided at the venue. For more details, please visit the conference website:  https://ies.keio.ac.jp/ames2022/.

For registration, please visit the Conference Maker website at
https://editorialexpress.com/conference/AMES2022T/ .

Registration Fee (same for in-person and online presentation)
Presenter in high-income countries*: $125 USD
Presenter in middle or low-income countries*: $75 USD
Student presenter**: $50 USD
(* The distinction of high/middle/low income corresponds to the World Bank income classification of countries .)
(** Student presenters will be waived their registration fee on the first come, first serve bases, up to the Econometric Society grant budget.  Please make sure to upload an internationally recognizable student ID.  Unfortunately, no other financial aid is planned.)

Non-presenter Registration (until July 31)
Non-presenter, ES-member: No charge for ES members, but registration is required through Conference Maker by July 31.
Non-presenter, Non-ES member:$300 USD

Refund Policy: 100% up to June 30, 2022.  No refund after that date.

Thank you again for your interest in AMES 2022 Tokyo.

Keynote Speakers
Uzawa-Negishi Lecture: Nobuhiro Kiyotaki (Princeton University)

Invited Sessions: please see the conference website https://ies.keio.ac.jp/ames2022/keynote-speakers/ .

Program Committee Co-chairs:
Takako Fujiwara-Greve (Keio University) and Daisuke Oyama (University of Tokyo)
Full Program Committee

Local Organizing Committee Co-chairs:
Toru Hokari (Keio University) and Katsumi Shimotsu (University of Tokyo)
Full Local Organizing Committee
For inquiries, please contact [email protected] .