2022 Australasia Meeting, Brisbane, Australia (Virtual)

2022 Australasia Meeting, Brisbane, Australia (Virtual)

Registration Now Open

2022 Australasian Meeting, Brisbane, Australia (VIRTUAL)
Jul 6 - 8, 2022
University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia

THE 2022 AUSTRALASIAN MEETING of the Econometric Society will be held virtually July 6-8, 2022.

The program will consist of contributed and invited papers, and will start with a virtual Presidential Address on the morning (AEST) of Wednesday, July 6, 2022.


Registration deadlines:
Presenter*: May 6, 2022
General: June 29, 2022
*Please note that presentation of accepted papers is conditional on successful registration before May 6 2022.

Full: $75 USD
Reduced: $35 USD
(Reduced fees are for students, early career academics or those whose institutions are in low to upper middle income countries. 

Refund policy: 100% up to June 6, 2020, but NO REFUNDS AFTER THAT DATE.

Registration link:

Presenters, when registering, please log in using the Conference Maker username which you used to submit the paper.

Prizes will be awarded. When registering, please indicate the prize(s) for which you would like to be considered (if any). All prizes are to the value of $200AUD

Thank you once again for your interest in ESAM2022. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.

For more information please visit the web site at https://esam2022.org

Presidential Address:
Guido Tabellini (Bocconi University)

A.W. Phillips Lecture:
Daron Acemoglu (MIT)

Colin Clark Lecture:
Yeon-Koo Che (Columbia) University

E.J. Hannan Lecture:
Susan Athey (Stanford University, GSB)

Jacob Marshak Lecture:
Rosa Matzkin (UCLA)

Program Committee Co-chairs:
Rodney Strachan and Begona Dominquez, University of Queensland

Local Organizing Committee Co-chairs:
Brenda Gannon and Christiern Rose

For questions and support please contact [email protected]