2019 Latin American Meeting

2019 Latin American Meeting

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Puebla, Mexico

Registration: http://lacea-lamesmeeting.buap.mx/registration---travel.html

Program:  http://vox.lacea.org/files/programa_lacea_lames_2019.pdf

Submission Deadline: June 24
Decisions Released: August 7
Registration Opens: August 18

  • On site $400 USD
  • Early bird $325 USD (Until September 23rd)

The 2019 Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) and the Latin American Meeting of the Econometric Society (LAMES) will take place in Puebla, Mexico on November 7 - 9, 2019. It will be hosted by Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 2019 LACEA LAMES meetings to be jointly held in the city of Puebla, Mexico.

The two meetings will run in parallel, sharing a single local organizing committee. By registering for LACEA-LAMES 2019 participants will be able to attend all sessions of both meetings.

Ignatio Lobato is programme co-chair for LAMES. Angel Calderon is co-chair of LACEA together with Gustavo Leyva.

The Econometric Society's Presidential Lecture will be delivered by Stephen Morris (MIT).

The Marschak lecture will be delivered by Eliana LaFerrara (Bocconi).

Please note that authors may only present one paper in each track (LACEA and/or LAMES), but the same paper cannot be submitted to both tracks. However, each person is allowed to be co-author of several papers presented. 

All papers and abstracts must be written in English and submitted electronically in a single PDF file with a maximum size of 5MB. No other format will be accepted.

Any author submitting a paper must be a member of the respective association at the time of submission. Membership information can be found at http://www.econometricsociety.org and http://www.lacea.org .

Authors are invited to submit theoretical and empirical papers. These should be written in English and submitted electronically (PDF only) to


Papers will be evaluated and selected by the committee members in their specific area  and association.