2019 Latin American Workshop in Economic Theory

2019 Latin American Workshop in Economic Theory

Bogotá, Colombia

Paper Submissions: [email protected]
Submission Deadline: Friday, March 29, 2019

THE 2019 LATIN AMERICAN WORKSHOP IN ECONOMIC THEORY of the Econometric Society will be held in Bogotá, Colombia, on May 23-24, 2019 at the Universidad del Rosario. The theme of the workshop is Market Design and Networks. The keynote speakers will be Tayfun Sönmez (Boston College) and Fernando Vega-Redondo (Bocconi University). Following is the web site for the Workshop:  http://www.urosario.edu.co/Eventos-UR/Facultad-de-Economia/Latin-American-Workshop-in-Economic-Theory/

The program committee invites submissions of papers (either complete, or also work in progress to benefit from the discussion with attendees). Although the theme of the workshop is Market Design and Networks, papers in any area of microeconomic theory will be considered. There will be no parallel sessions, and speakers will have 45 minutes for their presentations. 

Each person may submit only one paper and only present one paper. However, each person is allowed to be the co-author of several papers submitted to the conference. At least one co-author must be a member of the Society or must join prior to the workshop. You may join the Econometric Society at http://www.econometricsociety.org. We also have some limited funds from Econometric Society to finance travel and hotel expenses for young economists.

Prospective contributors are invited to submit their papers by Friday, March 29, 2019 to [email protected].A response will be given before March 31, 2019. The following information should also be provided at the time of submission: the authors' names, affiliations, email addresses and web sites (if any) of the submitters, and the paper title.

Program Committee: 

Paula Jaramillo (Universidad de Los Andes)

Çağatay Kayı (Universidad del Rosario) 

Tomás Rodríguez (Universidad de Los Andes)

Guillem Roig (Universidad del Rosario)


[email protected]