2018 Latin American Workshop in Econometrics

Website: 2018 Latin American Workshop in Econometrics

The 2018 Latin American Workshop in Econometrics of the Econometric Society will be held in Lima, Perú, August 22-23, 2018 at the Universidad del Pacífico. The topic of the workshop will be Combining Experiments with Structural Econometrics. Keynote speakers will be Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (Michigan State University), Aureo de Paula (University College London, Sao Paulo School of Economics, CeMMAP, Institute for Fiscal Studies), and Gautam Gowrisankaran (University of Arizona).

The program committee invites submissions of papers (either complete, or also work in progress to benefit from the discussion with attendees). Each person may submit only one paper and only present one paper. However, each person is allowed to be the co-author of several papers submitted to the conference. At least one co-author must be a member of the Society or must join prior to submission. You may join the Econometric Society at http://www.econometricsociety.org.

Prospective contributors are invited to submit their papers by Wednesday, March 21, 2018 to [email protected] .
The following information should also be provided at the time of submission: the authors' names, affiliations, Econometric Society email address (for membership verification), web sites (if any) of the submitters, and paper title.

Program Committee Chair:
Pablo Lavado (Universidad del Pacifico)

Scientific Committee:
Pablo Lavado (Chair), Universidad del Pacifico
Manuel Barrón, Universidad del Pacífico
Arlette Beltrán, Universidad del Pacífico
Carlos Casas, Universidad sel Pacífico
Juan Francisco Castro, Universidad del Pacífico
Alberto Chong, Georgia State University
Ana Cecilia Dammert, Carleton University
Veronica Frisancho, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)
Janice Seinfeld, Universidad del Pacífico
Diego Winkelried, Universidad del Pacífico

Important Dates:
Call for Papers:            February 7 – March 21
Evaluation:                   March 22 – April 15
Committee Decision:    April 16
Registration:                April 17

For info on local arrangements and organization please write to: [email protected] . Please visit the conference website for additional details.