2018 China Meeting

2018 China Meeting

Website: http://www.econ.fudan.edu.cn/cmes2018/

The 2018 China Meeting of the Econometric Society will be held on June 15-17, 2018, at Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

The Program Committee Chairs are Jun Zhang (Fudan University), Danyang Xie (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology/Wuhan University) and Li Gan (Texas A&M University/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics). The Local Organizing Committee Chair is Shiyi Chen (Fudan University) 

Keynote and Invited Speakers
  • William Barnett / University of Kansas

  • Songnian Chen / Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

  • Xiaohong Chen / Yale University

  • Jianqing Fan / Princeton University

  • Hanming Fang / University of Pennsylvania

  • Oded Galor / Brown University

  • Wolfgang Haerdle / Humboldt University

  • Lars Peter Hansen, Nobel Laureate 2013 / University of Chicago

  • Zhiguo He / University of Chicago

  • Han Hong / Stanford University

  • Yongmiao Hong / Cornell University & Xiamen University

  • Cheng Hsiao / University of Southern California

  • Kevin Huang / Vanderbilt University

  • Lung-fei Lee / The Ohio State University

  • Alexander Ljungvist / New York University

  • Enrique Mendoza / University of Pennsylvania

  • Dwight Perkins / Harvard University

  • Bernard Salanie / Columbia University

  • Christopher Sims, Nobel Laureate 2011 / Princeton University

  • Zheng Michael Song / Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Martin Uribe / Columbia University

  • Yi Wen / Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 

  • Danyang Xie / HongKong University of Science and Technology & Wuhan University

  • Daniel Yi Xu / Duke University

  • Xiaoyun Yu / Indiana University

  • Vivian Yue / Emory University

  • Fabrizio Zilibotti / Yale University