2017 China Meeting

2017 China Meeting

Website: http://ems.whu.edu.cn/cmes2017/
Submission: https://editorialexpress.com/conference/CMES2017 (English Sessions); or https://editorialexpress.com/conference/CMES2017 (Chinese Sessions)
Enquiries: [email protected]

The 2017 China Meeting of the Econometric Society will be held June 9-11, 2017 (Friday-Sunday) at Wuhan University.

The Program Committee Chairs are Danyang Xie (Wuhan University), Xiaodong Zhu (U of Toronto), Yixiao Sun (UCSD) and Xiang Sun (Wuhan University).

Keynote Speakers

  • James Heckman, The University of Chicago
  • Jonathan Eaton,  Pennsylvania State University
  • Faruk Gul, Princeton University
  • Cheng Hsiao,  University of Southern California
  • Elie Tamer, Harvard University
  • Paul Romer, Chief Economist of the World Bank

Invited Speakers and Session Organizers

Kevin Huang (Vanderbilt), Cheng Wang (Fudan), Xiaodong Zhu (Toronto), Shakeeb Khan (Duke), Arthur Lewbel (Boston College), Xiaohong Chen (Yale), Tong Li (Vanderbilt), Han Hong (Stanford), Yingyao Hu (Johns Hopkins), Albert Park (HKUST), Sun Yeneng (NUS), Richard McLean (Rutgers), Olivier Jeanne (Johns Hopkins), Lung-Fei Lee (OSU), Qi Li (Texas A&M), Yi Huang (Graduate Institute Geneva), Pengfei Wang (HKUST), Cheng-Zhong Qin (UC Santa Barbara), Yi-Chun Chen (NUS), Shuaizhang Feng (Jinan U), Ruqu Wang (Queens, Zhejiang U), Susheng Wang (HKUST), Yong Wang (HKUST and Beijing U), Yulei Luo (HKU), Ying Fan (U of Michigan), Fuhai Hong (NTU), Jianjun Miao (Boston U), Zhijie Xiao (Boston C), and other distinguished scholars.

Important Dates:

Paper Submission Period: November 1, 2016 – Feb 26, 2017 (deadline extended)

Decision Notification Deadline: Mar 6, 2017 (Monday)

Preliminary Program Announcement: April 28, 2017 (Friday)

Registration Period: Mar 6, 2017 – May 31, 2017 (Wednesday)

**Early Bird Registration Period: Mar 6, 2017 – March 31, 2017

Important Notes for Paper Submission:

  1. At least one (co-)author must be a member of the Econometric Society or must join membership before submission.
  2. Accepted papers will be presented in contributed sessions of three papers each.