2016 European Winter Meeting

2016 European Winter Meeting

Website: http://conferences.hss.ed.ac.uk/econometrics/
Submission: http://editorialexpress.com/conference/EWM2016/

For more than fifty years, the European Winter Meetings have fostered interaction among a small group of young scholars, who presented their work by invitation, and a group of senior academics representing different regions and fields of specialization. Many of today’s leading European economists kick-started their careers at one of these meetings. At the turn of the century, the meetings began to focus on PhD students close to finishing their thesis.

In 2013, the European Standing Committee of the Econometric Society decided to widen the scope of the meetings with an open call for submissions without any regional stratification. But the meeting was to retain its distinct identity with three foci: scientific work of the best quality, PhD students on the job market, and close interaction between junior and senior researchers.

The first two European Winter Meetings of the Econometric Society in this new format took place in Madrid and Milan in 2014 and 2015, respectively. The upcoming meeting will take place at the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh UK in December 2016. The meeting will host six parallel sessions of contributed papers and two plenary invited sessions. The plenary lectures will be given by George-Marios Angeletos and Jean-Marc Robin. Program Committee members, listed below, will take responsibility for organizing and chairing the contributed sessions. They will also provide comments during the sessions and foster interaction across research fields.

The Program Committee Chair is Kjetil Storesletten, University of Oslo. The Local Arrangements Chair is Ed Hopkins, University of Edinburgh.

The Program Committee invites submissions of papers, which can be either complete or work in progress. For more information, please visit the conference website (http://conferences.hss.ed.ac.uk/econometrics/). Submissions can be made between August 1, 2016 and September 20, 2016 at http://editorialexpress.com/conference/EWM2016/. They can be directed to a specific Program Committee member.

Each person may submit only one paper and present only one paper. However, each person may be the co-author of several papers submitted to the conference. The submitting author must be a member of the Econometric Society or must join prior to submission. You may join the Society at http://www.econometricsociety.org.

Decisions on the program will be announced no later than October 25, 2016. Paper presenters must register for the meeting by November 8, 2016.


Program Chair, Kjetil Storesletten, University of Oslo
Fernando Broner, CREI, International macro and finance
Michael W Elsby, University of Edinburgh (Macro/Labor)
Raffaella Giacomini, UCL, Time series econometrics
Lorenz Goette, Bonn, Behavioral economics /theory
Emmanuel Guerre, QMC, Econometric theory
Bård Harstad, Oslo, Theory
Camille Landais, LSE, Public economics
Thierry Magnac, TSE, Microeconometrics
Kalina Manova, Oxford, International Trade
Claudio Michelacci, EIEF, Macroeconomics/finance
John H Moore, University of Edinburgh (Theory)
Volker Nocke, Mannheim, I/O
Imran Rasul, UCL, Applied microeconomics
Morten Ravn, UCL, Macroeconomics
Uta Schoenberg, UCL, Labor economics
Mathias Thoenig, HEC Lausanne, Political economy
Mirko Wiederholt, Goethe University Frankfurt, Macroeconomics/monetary
Chris Woodruff, Warwick, Development economics


Local Chair, Ed Hopkins, University of Edinburgh
Tatiana Kornienko, University of Edinburgh
Jakub Steiner, University of Edinburgh and CERGE
Robert Zymek, University of Edinburgh