Australasia Meeting

The Econometric Society Australasian Meeting in 2011 (ESAM11) will be held in Adelaide, Australia, from 5 - 8 July. ESAM11 is to be hosted by the School of Economics at the University of Adelaide. The program committee is co-chaired by Christopher Findlay and Jiti Gao. The program includes plenary, invited and contributed sessions in all fields of economics.


Prospective contributors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers in both theoretical and applied economics and econometrics by 18 March 2011 via the Conference Maker system at:

Each person may submit only one paper, or be a co-author on others providing that they will present no more than one paper. At least one co-author must be a member of the Society or must join prior to submission.

Deadline for Submission: 18 March 2011
Notification of Acceptance: 22 April 2011
Registration and Hotel Booking: 3 June 2011


Napier Building, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia.


The ESAM11 conference website will contain details about the program, keynote and invited speakers, the paper submission process, conference registration and contact details.

We look forward to welcoming your participation in ESAM 2011 in Adelaide, Australia.

Christopher Findlay and Jiti Gao
Co-Chairs of the Program Committee
School of Economics
The University of Adelaide

Further Information please contact the Conference Secretariat.

All Occasions Group
Candice Sferco - Coordinator Conventions and Events
41 Anderson Street
Tel:           +61 8 8125 2200
Fax:           +61 8 8125 2233
Email:         [email protected]