North American Winter Meeting, Atlanta GA, January 3-5, 2010

THE 2010 NORTH AMERICAN WINTER MEETING of the Econometric Society will be held in Atlanta, GA, from January 3 to 5, 2010, as part of the annual meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations. The program will consist of contributed and invited papers. The program committee will be chaired by Dirk Bergemann of Yale University.

The program committee invites contributions in the form of individual papers and entire sessions (of three or four papers). Each person may submit only one paper and only present one paper. However, each person is allowed to be the co-author of several papers submitted to the conference. At least one co-author must be a member of the Society or must join prior to submission.  You may join the Econometric Society at

Prospective contributors are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers by May 5, 2009 at the conference website:

At least one co-author must be a member of the Society or must join prior to submission. This can be done at

The submissions should represent original manuscripts not previously presented to any Econometric Society regional meeting or submitted to other professional organizations for presentation at these same meetings. The following information should also be provided electronically at the time of submission: the authors' names, affiliations, complete addresses, telephone and fax numbers; both the email addresses and web sites (if any) of the submitters; the JEL primary field name and number; and the paper title.

Program Committee:

Dirk Bergemann, Yale University, Chair
Marco Battaglini, Princeton University (Political Economy)
Roland Benabou, Princeton University (Behavioral Economics)
Markus Brunnermeier, Princeton University (Financial Economics)
Xiahong Chen, Yale University (Theoretical Econometrics, Time Series)
Liran Einav, Stanford University (Industrial Organization)
Luis Garicano, University of Chicago (Organization, Law and Economics)
John Geanakoplos, Yale University (General Equilibrium Theory, Mathematical Economics)
Mike Golosov, MIT (Macroeconomics)
Pierre Olivier Gourinchas, University of California (International Finance)
Igal Hendel, Northwestern (Empirical Microeconomics)
Johannes Hoerner, Yale University (Game Theory)
Han Hong, Stanford University (Applied Econometrics)
Wojcich Kopczuk, Columbia University (Public Economics)
Martin Lettau, University of California, Berkeley (Finance)
Enrico Moretti, University of California, Berkeley (Labor)
Muriel Niederele, Stanford University (Experimental Game Theory, Market Design)
Luigi Pistaferri, Stanford University (Labor)
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Princeton University (International Trade)
Marciano Siniscalchi, Northwestern University (Decision Theory)
Robert Townsend, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Development Economics)
Oleg Tsyvinski, Yale University (Macroeconomics, Public Finance)
Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago (Macroeconomics, Computational Economics)
Ricky Vohra, Northwestern University (Auction, Mechanism Design)