North American Summer Meeting, Durham, June 21-24, 2007


The 2007 North American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society will be hosted by the Department of Economics and the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, Durham, NC, from June 21 to June 24, 2007. The program will consist of contributed and invited papers. The program will also includes the Presidential Address by Lars Hansen, the Walras-Bowley Lecture by Christopher Pissarides, a lecture series by Mark Watson, and other special sessions. Submissions across a wide range of topics in economics and econometrics are strongly encouraged. At least one co-author must be a member of the Society. Authors can join through the Econometric Society website. Submissions must be made electronically. Details on the procedures for registration, accommodations, and related information will be available at the conference website

Program Committee:

George Tauchen, Duke University (Chair)
Peter Arcidiacono, Duke University (Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair)
Christopher Timmins, Duke University (Local Organizing Committee Co-Chair)
Daniel Ackerberg, University of California, Los Angeles (Empirical IO and Applied Econometrics)
Yacine Ait-Sahalia, Princeton University (Financial Econometrics/Empirical Finance)
Ravi Bansal, Duke University (Asset Pricing)
Tim Bollerslev, Duke University (Financial Econometrics/Empirical Finance)
Xiahong Chen , New York University (Theoretical Econometrics)
Timothy Fuerst, Bowling Green State University (Macroeconomics)
John Geweke, University of Iowa (Bayesian Econometrics)
Michael Greenstone, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Environmental and Public Economics)
Philip Haile, Yale University (Empirical IO and Applied Econometrics)
Kenneth Judd, Stanford University (Computational Economics)
John Kennan, University of Wisconsin (Labor Economics, Applied)
Narayana Kocherlakota, University of Minnesota (Macroeconomics)
Deborah Lucas, Northwestern University (Asset Pricing)
Preston McAfee, California Institute of Technology (Auction Theory, Game Theory)
Herve Moulin, Rice University (Economic Theory/Social Choice)
Thomas Nechyba, Duke University (Public Economics)
Monika Piazzesi, University of Chicago (Empirical Finance)
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohé, Duke University (Macroeconomics)
Frank Schorfheide, University of Pennsylvania (Empirical Macroeconomics)
Curtis Taylor, Duke University (Economic Theory, Applied)
James Tybout, Pennsylvania State University (International Development and Trade)
Chris Udry, Yale University (Development and Applied Microeconomics)
S. Vishwanathan, Duke University (Corporate Finance)
Kenneth West, University of Wisconsin (Time Series Econometrics/Empirical Macroconomics)
Kenneth Wolpin, University of Pennsylvania (Labor Economics, Applied)