Quantitative Economics
Journal Of The Econometric Society
Edited by: Stéphane Bonhomme • Print ISSN: 1759-7323 • Online ISSN: 1759-7331
Edited by: Stéphane Bonhomme • Print ISSN: 1759-7323 • Online ISSN: 1759-7331
This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.
This online appendix documents several detailed proofs from Sections 2 and 3 of the manuscript that were omitted due to space constraints. It also contains Appendix Tables 1-10 and Appendix Figures 1-2, which were mentioned in the main text of the paper.
This zip file contains the data and programs for the empirical application. A brief guide to the content of the folder is given in the README.PDF file.
This supplement material contains the proof of he validity of bootstrap confidence bands for counterfactual functionals, a numerical comparison of quantile and distribution regression estimators, additional empirical results, and details about the variance decomposition of the composition effect.
This supplemental appendix contains proofs and additional results not found in the manuscript.
This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.
The supplementary material contains (A) omitted proofs, (B) two Lemmas that clarify the compliance property, (C) a discussion of the relationship with the constrained assignment model of Budish et al. (2013), and (D) explains the connection with Edmonds' polymatroid intersection theorem.
This appendix contains details on mathematical proofs as well as a discussion of related approaches.