Quantitative Economics Editorial Board Changes
My term as Editor of Quantitative Economics will end on June 30th. I would like to thank everyone that has helped to develop QE into the journal it is today. It has been a privilege to work with the other members of the Executive Committee, the Co-Editors, Associate Editors, referees, and last but not least, the authors that chose to submit their work to QE. I am grateful to Mary Beth Bellando-Zaniboni for her excellent management of the editorial process and to all those involved with the production and administration of the journal for their valuable assistance and advice.
Karl Schmedders’ term as Co-Editor also ends on June 30th. I am extremely appreciative of all his hard work and his insightful inputs.
I am thrilled that Andres Santos and Kjetil Storesletten will become Co-Editors of Quantitative Economics, starting on July 1st. Their outstanding contributions in their respective fields and their past service to the profession make them ideal additions to the Editorial Board.
I am looking forward to seeing QE reach new highs with the intellectual power and visions of the incoming Editor, Christopher Taber, and of the Co-Editors, Peter Arcidiacono, Andres Santos, Kjetil Storesletten, and Frank Schorfheide.
Rosa L. Matzkin
Editor, Quantitative Economics