New Papers Posted to Quantitative Economics' Forthcoming Page

The following papers have been accepted and posted to Quantitative Economics' forthcoming page and may be viewed here

Family Job Search and Wealth: The Added Worker Effect Revisited
J. Ignacio García–Pérez and Sílvio Rendon

Specification and Estimation of Network Formation and Network Interaction Models with the Exponential Probability Distribution
Chih-Sheng Hsieh, Lung-Fei Lee, and Vincent Boucher

Climate Change and U.S. Agriculture: Accounting for Multidimensional Slope Heterogeneity in Panel Data
Michael Keane and Timothy Neal

Equilibrium Computation in Discrete Network Games
Michael P. Leung

Discrete-Time Dynamic Principal-Agent Models: Contraction Mapping Theorem and Computational Treatment
Philipp Renner and  Karl Schmedders