New Papers Posted to Quantitative Economics' Forthcoming Page

The following papers have been accepted and posted to Quantitative Economics' forthcoming page and may be viewed here

Semiparametric Estimation of Structural Functions in Nonseparable Triangular Models
Victor Chernozhukov, Iván Fernández-Val, Whitney Newey, Sami Stouli, and Francis Vella

The Provision of Wage Incentives: A Structural Estimation Using Contracts Variation
Xavier D’Haultfoeuille and Philippe Février

Contracting under Uncertainty: Groundwater in South India
Xavier Giné and Hanan G. Jacoby

Nonparametric Estimation of Triangular Simultaneous Equations Models under Weak Identification
Sukjin Han

A persistence-based Wold-type decomposition for stationary time series
Fulvio Ortu, Federico Severino, Andrea Tamoni, and Claudio Tebaldi