First Issue of Quantitative Economics

In July 2009, Quantitative Economics started receiving submissions. The purpose of the new journal of the Econometric Society is to provide a new platform for rigorous applied work with a strong theoretical background. Our definition of applied work is wide and includes theoretical work (both in economic and econometric theory) that has direct applied implications. The new journal wants to cover all the main fields in applied economics, including labour economics, industrial organization, development economics, public finance, experimental economics, macroeconomics as well as computational economics. We are pleased to announce the publication of the first issue of QE. The issue will contain the following papers:

Analyzing Social Experiments as Implemented: A Reexamination of the Evidence from the HighScope Perry Preschool Program
James Heckman, Seong Hyeok Moon, Rodrigo Pinto, Peter Salvelyev and Adam Yavitz (University of Chicago)

Effects of School Reform on Education and Labor Market Performance: Evidence from Chile's Universal Voucher System
Petra E Todd (University of Pennsylvania), David Bravo (University de Chile) and Sankar Mukhopadhyay (University of Nevada Reno)

Aggregate Labor Market Outcomes: The Role of Choice and Chance
Richard Rogerson (Arizona State University), Per Krusell (Stockholm University), Toshihiko Mukoyama (University of Virginia) and Aysegul Sahin Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Fragile Beliefs and the Price of Uncertainty
Lars Peter Hansen (University of Chicago) and Thomas Sargent (New York University)

Memoirs of an Indifferent Trader: Estimating Forecast Distributions from Prediction Markets
John Geweke and Thomas A Rietz (University of Iowa)

When Consensus Choice dominates Individualism: Jensen's Inequality and Collective Decisions under Uncertainty
Charles Manski (Northwestern University)

Orazio Attanasio
Steve Durlauf
Victor Rios-Rull
Elie Tamer