Econometrica Editorial Board Changes

I am extremely happy to welcome new members to  Econometrica's editorial board.  Effective July 1, 2019,  Guido Imbens (Stanford University) will become Editor; Dave Donaldson (MIT) and Chad Jones (Stanford University) will become Co-Editors.  I am sure that readers of the journal are aware of Chad, Dave, and Guido's stature as scholars. They are also experienced, fair, and effective editors.  They broaden the range of expertise represented on the editorial board.

Gianluca Violante and Fabrizio Zilibotti will leave the board end of June 2019.  I have depended on them for the past four years and am grateful for their contributions to the review process.  My term also ends in June. The opportunity to edit the journal has been a great honor.  I am grateful for the enormous contributions by authors, referees, Co-Editors, Econometric Society staff, and the production staff. 

Joel Sobel
Editor, Econometrica