
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Supplemental Material

Econometrica - Volume 88, Issue 5

Supplement to "Matching with Complementary Contracts"

This supplement to “Matching with Complementary Contracts”gives supporting material for Example 3 in the main text, including an alternative numerical example where firms produce complementary products; shows that bundling preserves complementarity in both TU and NTU environments; and provides a lemma supporting the proof of Proposition 5 in the main text.

Supplement to "Leave-out estimation of variance components"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.  This file also contains the data and computational appendix referenced within the main text.

Supplement to "Leave-out estimation of variance components"

This online appendix contains material not found within the mauscript.

Supplement to "Paralyzed by Fear: Rigid and Discrete Pricing under Demand Uncertainty"

This zip file contains material not found within the manuscript. It also contains a supplemental appendix containing material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Paralyzed by Fear: Rigid and Discrete Pricing under Demand Uncertainty"

This appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Non-Clairvoyant Dynamic Mechanism Design"

This online appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Eliminating Uncertainty in Market Access: The Impact of New Bridges in Rural Nicaragua"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript. There is also a supplementary appendix within the replication files with further results not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Eliminating Uncertainty in Market Access: The Impact of New Bridges in Rural Nicaragua"

This online appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Segmentary Lineage Organization and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa"

This appendix of ‘supplementary material’ reports additional tables and figures referenced in the body of the paper. A separate webpage appendix includes details of all variables used in the analysis, in particular our coding of the segmentary linage indicator variable. It also includes summary statistics of all variables (Appendix Tables B.II and B.III).

Supplement to "Segmentary Lineage Organization and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Heterogeneous Markups, Growth, and Endogenous Misallocation"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Heterogeneous Markups, Growth, and Endogenous Misallocation"

This online appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Optimal Monitoring Design"

This online appendix contains additional material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Dynamic Spatial Panel Models: Networks, Common Shocks, and Sequential Exogeneity"

This online appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Analysis of Testing-Based Forward Model Selection"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Analysis of Testing-Based Forward Model Selection"

This appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Reputation Effects under Interdependent Values"

This appendix contains material not found within the manuscript.

Supplement to "Bootstrap-Based Inference for Cube Root Asymptotics"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Bootstrap-Based Inference for Cube Root Asymptotics"

This supplemental appendix contains proofs and other theoretical results that may be of independent interest. It also o¤ers more details on the examples and simulation evidence presented in the paper.