
Journal Of The Econometric Society

An International Society for the Advancement of Economic
Theory in its Relation to Statistics and Mathematics

Edited by: Guido W. Imbens • Print ISSN: 0012-9682 • Online ISSN: 1468-0262

Supplemental Material

Econometrica - Volume 83, Issue 2

Supplement to "Voting Technology, Political Responsiveness, and Infant Health: Evidence from Brazil"

This supplement is organized as follows. Section A further describes both the paper and electronic voting technologies. Section B provides RDD-based estimates of the effect of electronic voting (EV) on further political outcomes. Section C discusses the validity of the RDD, including the results from additional robustness checks. Section D presents the effect of EV on party seat shares, based on state-level data, while Section E reports on a similar exercise on the levels of state spending. Section F describes the classification of public state spending, and provides estimates of EV's effect on multiple categories of spending. Section G illustrates the effect of EV on the distribution of the number of pre-natal visits. Sections H and I assess the role of outliers in driving the results.  Section J illustrates the effects of electronic voting dynamically. Finally, Section K provides instrumental variable estimates of the effects of EV.

Supplement to "How is Power Shared in Africa?"

This appendix contains proofs, additional tables and figures, and extensions discussed in the main paper.

Supplement to "How is Power Shared in Africa"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "Democratization Under the Threat of Revolution: Evidence from the Great Reform Act of 1832"

This supplement contains extra material related to our study of the Great Reform Act. Appendix S1 lists definitions and sources of all the variables used in the analysis.  Appendix S2 explains how the variable Connection to London is constructed.  Appendix S3 contains a discussion of the placebo tests. Appendix S4 contains a discussion of alternative explanations for the Whig victory in 1831.  All the supplementary tables (S1 to S28) and the maps (S1 and S2) are collected at the end of the appendix.  Tables S26 to S28 report summary statistics for the variables used in supplementary tests.

Supplement to "Time Horizon and Cooperation in Continuous Time"

This appendix contains additional tables and figures and instructions for the Long-Stochastic treatment, translated from Italian. 

Supplement to "Time Horizon and Cooperation in Continuous Time"

This zip file contains the replication files for the manuscript.

Supplement to "A Polynomial Optimization Approach to Principal-Agent Problems"

Appendix A provides additional mathematical background on multidimensional polynomial optimization.  Appendix B gives a brief overview of Chebyshev interpolation.  Appendix C provides some additional information on Example 3 in Section 5.2.

Supplement to "Nearly Optimal Tests when a Nuisance Parameter is Present Under the Null Hypothesis"

This appendix gives details of the algorithm used to compute the power bounds in Section 4.3 and additional details for the applications.

Supplement to "Bootstrap Testing of Hypotheses on Co-Integration Relations in Vector Autoregressive Models"

The supplement is organized as follows.  Section B contains the extended Monte Carlo results for the processes of different dimensions p, different values of the co-integration rank r and the lag length k.  Section C contains proofs of Lemma 1, Proposition 1 and Theorem 1 of Cavaliere et al.  (2014). Section D reports the additional theoretical results and proofs for the bootstrap test in the case of an intercept.