Members of The Econometric Society

Amilcar Velez, Northwestern University
Mr Nikhil Vellodi, Paris School of Economics
Joanna Venator, Boston College
Dr Raghul Venkatesh, IISER Bhopal
Mr. Siddarth Venkatesh, Ashoka University
Dr Gyuri Venter, Aarhus University
Professor Jaume Ventura, Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional
Prof Miroslav Verbic, University of Ljubljana
Mr. Valentin Verdier, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
Ali Yasin Vergili, University of Technology Sydney
Prof Vassili Vergopoulos, Paris Panthéon-Assas
Prof. Eric Verhoogen, Columbia University
Dr GEORGE VERIKIOS, Griffith University
Dr. Michel Verlaine, ICN Business SCHool and Capm-Consulting
Mr. Ajay Verma, Banaras Hindu University
Ms. Kartiki Verma, Delhi School of Economics
Frederic Vermeulen, University of Leuven
Sergiy Verstyuk, Harvard University
Prof John Vickers, Oxford University
Mr. Alejandro Vicondoa, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile