Members of The Econometric Society

Zhibin [email protected], Beijing Jiaotong University
Dr Luo Zican, Hunan University of Techonolgy
Dr. Nicolas Ziebarth, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
Gabriel Ziegler, University of Edinburgh
Dr Boaz Zik, Reichman University (IDC)
Prof. Fabrizio Zilibotti, Yale University
Prof. Klaus F. Zimmermann, Global Labor Organization (GLO)
Ariell Zimran, Vanderbilt University
Ph.D. Federico Zincenko, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Professor Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Dr Celine Zipfel, Stockholm School of Economics
Dr Ben Zissimos, University of Exeter
Miss Veronica Zivava, North-West University
Andrei Zlate, Federal Reserve Board
Associate professor Hosny Zoabi, The New Economic School
Ulf Zoelitz, University of Zurich
Roger Zoh, Indiana University
Sarah Zoi, Federal Reserve Board
Nathan Gaspar Zorzi, Dartmouth College
Mr Segla Roch Cedrique Zossou, International Center of Research and Training in Social Science
Dr. Benteng Zou, University of Luxembourg
Jiacheng Zou, Stanford University
Minghao Zou, Princeton University